

Riddle Wisps
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During the course of your explorations, you can meet four riddle wisps. If you answer their question correctly, then they'll give you a prize. If you answer incorrectly, then they'll attack you. If you answer all four wisps correctly, then you'll also earn the achievement Riddle Me Wisp. The four wisps and their answers are listed below:
  • Nameless Wisp (Croakwood). You'll have three ways to give it the correct answer. You can say "I didn't take your name" and then allow Katerina to name it Hearthfire; you can say "Begone, evil spirit" and then name it Hearthfire yourself; or you can say "Begone, evil spirit" and then name it Lifespark. Any other responses will cause the wisp to attack you.

    If you name the wisp Hearthfire then you'll receive the ring Narrya. If you name it Lifespark then you'll receive the Vitae Pendant.

  • Riddlewisp (Dreadworks). It will ask you the following riddle: "It begins but has no end... yet it ends all that begins." The answer is "death." If you answer the wisp correctly, then it will drop the Fifth Element for you.

  • Riddlewisp (The Old Town). It will ask you the following riddle: "What is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?" The answer is "42" (a reference to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). If you answer the wisp correctly, then it will drop the Wisphunter's Guide to the Ink, which will give you +5 Willpower permanently.

  • Riddlewisp (The Pocket Realm). It will ask you the following riddle: "I touch the earth, I touch the sky. If I touch you, you'll surely die!" The answer is "thunderbolt." If you get the answer right, then the wisp will give you a Duskdale Amulet.