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Task: Get Topping Pie from Gary

Did we miss anything in this task? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!


To trigger this task, you'll need to have a specific set of skill values:
  • Conceptualization less than 6 (or else you'll ask Gary about cryptids instead of what he really does)

  • Authority 6+ (so you can ask Gary what he really does)

  • Composure 4+ (so you can ask Gary what he delivers)

  • Suggestion 2+ (so you can press Gary about his deliveries)

  • Endurance 6+ (so you can ask Gary to deliver a pie to you)
You can meet Gary, the Cryptofascist, in Martinaise West (#1) or in the Whirling-in-Rags (#2). If you have the skills listed above, then when you ask him if he's a cryptozoologist like Morell, he'll deny it, and you'll be able to ask him what he really does. Gary will reveal that he's a courier of "topping pies," and he'll offer to give you one for free if you meet him in Martinaise. This exchange will trigger the task.


To complete the task, you'll need to talk to Gary while he's in the Whirling-in-Rags (#2). He'll only be there briefly: after you've checked the traps for the task Inspect the Traps, but before you've talked to Morell to complete that task. You'll also need to talk to Lena before talking to Gary (to tie up loose ends for the task Find Morell, the Cryptozoologist). When you talk to Gary, he'll give you a Deluxe Topping Pie, and you'll earn 10 xp. You can share the pie with Kim if you want.

1 - Morell and Gary

2 - Whirling-in-Rags




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