

Dossier Mission: The Warlord

Map Legend:
[B - Background Info]   [C - Credits]   [M - Medi-Gel]   [P - Power Cells]
[R - Resource]   [U - Upgrade]   [W - Weapon]

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You'll receive this mission from the Illusive Man after completing the mission at Freedom's Progress.


From the mission briefing you'll learn that Dr. Okeer is a "brilliant and brutal krogan" who might know something about the Collectors. You'll also learn that he's involved with the Blue Suns in some way on the planet Korlus (Imir / Eagle Nebula).

When you arrive on Korlus, you'll find yourself at some sort of military compound, and you'll hear odd instructions over a loudspeaker. "Perfection is your goal!" Soon (at the Observation Post) you'll come across a wounded merc, and he'll reveal that Okeer is creating "crazy" krogans for someone named Jedore. If you order the merc not to answer his radio, then you'll get a renegade interrupt that will allow you to shoot him. Otherwise he'll limp away when you're done talking to him.

Past the wounded merc you'll have to make your way through the Gauntlet, where you'll encounter several small groups of Blue Suns mercenaries. At the end of the run, you'll meet a Tank-Grown Krogan. It won't know much, other than that it is "not perfect," but it will create an entrance for you into the lab.

Inside the lab, you'll have to kill lots of Blue Suns mercenaries and lab-created krogans. You'll encounter the krogans first, but they'll be spaced out, making them easy to kill. Then you'll run into the Blue Suns, and while they'll frequently attack you in force, you'll always have plenty of cover, and they'll never charge at you. That means you can simply take cover whenever you get into trouble or need to regenerate your health or shields, and so the Blue Suns shouldn't cause you too many problems, either.

Note: If Rana Thanoptis survived your encounter on Virmire in Mass Effect, then you'll meet up with her in the Medical Station. She'll tell you what she knows of Okeer's work -- "he wants to help his people, but he's not looking for a genophage cure, and he's not going for numbers" -- and you'll get an opportunity to earn some renegade or paragon points. However, there doesn't appear to be any way to kill her.

Eventually you'll come to Okeer at his lab. He'll tell you that he used Collector technology to create "one pure krogan," which he hopes will "renew" the krogan race. He'll also mention that all of his rejects were went to Jedore for her army, which is why he's at a Blue Suns facility. However, when you finally get a chance to ask Okeer to join your crew, Jedore will start venting poisonous gas into the lab, and you'll decide to deal with her while Okeer stays behind to save his creation.

You'll find Jedore among the Reject Tanks. She'll have a rocket launcher equipped, and she'll be assisted by a heavy mech and some krogans. Jedore will mostly stay in one spot while the other enemies move towards you, so you should take down the mech and krogans first, and then deal with Jedore.

After killing Jedore, when you return to Okeer's lab, you'll learn that Okeer sacrificed himself to save his creation. When you then click on Okeer's console, you'll complete the mission and take the perfect krogan with you. The perfect krogan will be placed in the port cargo hold on board the Normandy, and you'll have to decide whether to release him or not. If you do, then he'll name himself Grunt, and he'll become a part of your crew. If you don't, then he'll just remain in his breeding pod. That is, there isn't any reason not to release him.

  • Experience: 1000

  • Credits: 40,000 (2000 from Blue Suns corpse in Lab Entrance, 4000 from PDA in Walkway, 2000 from Blue Suns corpse in Middle Lab 1, 4000 from wall safe in Middle Lab 2, 4000 from PDA in Middle Lab 2, 4000 from secure terminal in Medical Station, and 20,000 from Cerberus)

  • Resources: 2000 Platinum (from container in Lower Lab 1)

  • Upgrades: Sniper Rifle Damage (from sniper rifle in Lower Lab 2) and Krogan Vitality (from lab terminal in Okeer's Lab)