

Planet: Sanctum (Decoris / Sigurd's Cradle)

Map Legend:
[B - Background Info]   [C - Credits]   [M - Medi-Gel]   [P - Power Cells]
[R - Resource]   [U - Upgrade]   [W - Weapon]

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From the assignments "Archeological Dig Site" (on Joab) and "MSV Strontium Mule" (on the MSV Strontium Mule), you'll learn that the Blue Suns have been using their base on Sanctum (Decoris / Sigurd's Cradle) to send out fake distress calls and then capture ships as they come to investigate. Picking up this information will trigger the assignment "Blue Suns Base," which will task you with putting a stop to the operation.


When you land on Sanctum, a bunch of Blue Suns mercenaries will storm out of their base and attack you. If you're a good shot, you might be able to kill most of them before they can reach cover, making the battle pretty easy.

Inside the base, you'll have to battle even more mercenaries, including a pair of heavy mechs in the Warehouse. Fortunately, you'll have lots of crates to hide behind in the Warehouse, so you'll just need to maintain your cover and then shoot the mechs when it's safe. When the mechs go down, Captain Narom and several more mercenaries will attack you, but they won't do anything unusual, and they shouldn't prove difficult to kill.

With the base clear of hostiles, you'll just need to hack your way into the Maintenance Room and then overload the distress beacon control device. That will cause the distress beacon to blow up, ending the mission. When you disable the distress beacon, you'll automatically get teleported back to the Normandy, so make sure that you've finished exploring first.

  • Experience: 125

  • Credits: 7500 (1875 from wall safe in Living Quarters, 1875 from wall safe in Storage Room, and 3750 from Cerberus)

  • Resources: 2000 Iridium (400 from container at Base Approach, 400 from container in Tunnel, 400 from container in Tunnel, 400 from container in Cavern, and 400 from container in Cavern)