

Planet: Lorek (Fathar / Omega Nebula)

Map Legend:
[B - Background Info]   [C - Credits]
[M - Medi-Gel]   [R - Resource]

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When you gain control of the Normandy, you'll receive a message from Cerberus Command asking you to rescue one of their operatives from the planet Lorek. This will trigger the assignment "Lost Operative."


When you reach Lorek, you'll have to scan the surface to find the Eclipse base. To do this, you'll just need to scan the surface normally, but then follow the white line on the targeting reticule. It will lead you to a white dot on the surface of the planet. When you launch a probe at the dot, you'll be allowed to land and start the mission.

When you land on the planet, you'll quickly come to the Eclipse base, and you'll get attacked by a few mercenaries. At the Base Entrance, you'll find a security console, and browsing through its files will reveal that Eclipse has some sort of encrypted data that Cerberus would find damaging, and that Eclipse has already killed the Cerberus operative. Your assignment objective will then change, and you'll be asked to retrieve the encoded data.

Also at the Base Entrance, you'll find the Holding Cell Access terminal. When you hack it, you'll earn 375 credits, and the locked doors in the room will open, granting you access to the Torture Room. Of course, at the same time, more mercenaries, including the mercenary leader Morl, will stream into the room and attack you.

In the Torture Room, you'll find the bloody remains of the Cerberus operative, and you'll also find a Computer Console. When you activate the console, you'll gain access to the encrypted data that you were sent to retrieve, and you'll be given a choice for what to do with it. You can keep the data for yourself, you can send it to Cerberus, or you can send it to the Alliance. Regardless, you'll find out that it will take years to decrypt the data, and so your choice won't have any bearing on the campaign. You won't even see a difference in the reward you receive.

  • Experience: 125

  • Credits: 7875 (3750 from wall safe in Storage Closet, 375 from holding cell access in Base Entrance, and 3750 from Cerberus)

  • Resources: 2000 Platinum (1200 from container at Landing Site and 800 from container in Tank Room)