

Zada Ban (Xe Cha / Shrike Abyssal)

Map Legend:
[B - Background Info]   [M - Medi-Gel]
[R - Resource]

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After completing the assignment "Blood Pack Communications Relay" on Tarith, you'll receive a private message from Cerberus Command letting you know that they've located a Blood Pack weapons factory on the planet Zada Ban (Xe Cha / Shrike Abyssal). Cerberus Command will then ask you to travel to Zada Ban and deal with the factory. This will trigger the assignment "Blood Pack Base."


When you land on Zada Ban, you'll be attacked by several Blood Pack mercenaries, including a krogan named Kalusk. To complete the assignment, you'll need to battle your way through these mercenaries and into the Factory, where you'll find a pair of generators surrounded by containment cells. Shooting the containment cells will cause the generators to become unstable, and then they'll blow up, taking the factory with them, once you've gotten far enough away. You'll automatically return to the Normandy once the factory has been destroyed.

  • Experience: 125

  • Credits: 7500 (3750 awarded at end of assignment and 3750 from Cerberus)

  • Resources: 2000 Palladium (600 from container at Bridge 1, 600 from container at Lower Ridge, and 800 from container in Factory)

  • Upgrades: Heavy Weapon Ammo (awarded at end of assignment)