

Location: Tuchanka

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You won't be allowed to visit Tuchanka until a loyalty mission -- either Old Blood for Mordin or Rite of Passage for Grunt -- takes you there.

1 - Ratch's Wares

At Ratch's Wares you'll be able to buy an upgrade for Heavy Weapon Ammo, plus purchase Heavy Damping Gauntlets (they'll be listed in the shop as Stabilization Gauntlets) and a Death Mask. After completing the mission on the Collector Ship, you'll also be able to purchase an Asymmetric Defense Layer and a Shield Harness. Finally, if you're working on the assignment "Serrice Ice Brandy" (gained on board the Normandy) then you'll also find Serrice Ice Brandy for sale.

At this spot, besides the shopping kiosk, you'll also meet Ratch and his pet varren Urz. If you talk to Ratch, then he'll tell you how much he hates pyjaks, and if you offer to kill some for him, then he'll give you the assignment "Killing Pyjaks" (see #5). If you successfully complete the pyjak mini-game, then you'll earn 40 xp, and Ratch will give you a 17% discount in his shop.

Completing the pyjak mini-game will also cause Pyjak Meat to be sold in the shop (for free). If you feed some of this meat to Urz, then he'll start following you. If you then take him to the pit fighting station (#4), then you'll be able to enter him into the fights, and he should win a few bouts in a row for you (at 500 credits each) before losing and ending up in the med-lab (#7). Eventually, Urz will heal up and begin following you again, and you'll be able to repeat the process.

2 - Shaman

The shaman is involved in Grunt's loyalty mission Rite of Passage.

3 - Throne

The chief of the Urdnot clan will either be Wrex (if he survived the Virmire mission in Mass Effect) or a different krogan named Wreav. The interaction of the krogan clans will be different with the different leaders, but not much will change as far as the campaign is concerned. Either way, the krogan chief will play a role in the missions Old Blood and Rite of Passage.

4 - Pit Fighting Station

You'll be able to bet on varren pit fights here. You'll have a 50-50 chance of winning unless you convince Urz (#1) to fight, and then your odds will go up.

5 - Chief Scout / Defense Gun Controls

The chief scout is involved in Mordin's loyalty mission Old Blood. If you question him about his job, then he'll divulge the krogan philosophy on scouting: "It's a lot easier to count their numbers once you blow some of them up."

The gun controls will allow you to kill some pyjaks. You'll need to do this once to gain a discount at Ratch's Wares (#1), but you can also do it for fun. On the PC, you'll need to use the WASD keys to move the targeting reticule, and the spacebar to fire. It'll take a second or two for the missile to hit its target, but the missile will do some splash damage, and so perfect targeting isn't required. As long as you can kill enough of the pyjaks to prevent them from emptying the food stores, then you'll win.

6 - Mechanic

The mechanic will tell you that the tomkah he's working on is missing its Combustion Manifold. If you offer to look for one for him, then you'll trigger the assignment "Combustion Manifold." You'll find the manifold during the mission Old Blood. Delivering it to the mechanic will net you 40 xp.

7 - Med-Lab

Inside the med-lab you'll run into Fortack and his database of goods. From the database you'll be able to buy upgrades for Assault Rifle Damage, Biotic Damage, Heavy Pistol Damage, and Shotgun Damage. After completing Grunt's loyalty mission Rite of Passage, you'll be given a 17% discount at the shop.

Note: You'll also find a pyjak in the lab that you can punch. As far as we can tell, punching the pyjak won't affect anything.

  1. Normandy shuttle.