

Dossier Mission: The Convict

Map Legend:
[B - Background Info]   [C - Credits]   [M - Medi-Gel]   [P - Power Cells]
[R - Resource]   [U - Upgrade]   [W - Weapon]

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You'll receive this mission from the Illusive Man after completing the mission at Freedom's Progress.


When you arrive on the prison ship Purgatory (Osun / Hourglass Nebula) you'll meet up with Warden Kuril, who will describe your newest crewmate Jack as "the meanest handful of violence and hate I've ever encountered" -- which is probably saying something given his current occupation. Fortunately, you'll learn that Cerberus has secured Jack's release, and so all you'll need to do is pick her up.

Well, not quite. When you reach Outprocessing and click on the door on the far side, instead of meeting up with Jack, Warden Kuril will announce that "you're more valuable as a prisoner than a customer," and he'll ask you to relinquish your weapons and step into the Cell in front of you. When you decline, all of the Blue Suns mercenaries in the prison will turn against you, and several of them will storm into the room and attack you.

From that point on, you'll have two objectives in the prison: to free Jack (by activating the terminal in Cryo Control) and then to follow her path of destruction. Along the way you'll have to battle a lot of mechs and prison guards, and even a few escaped prisoners.

Eventually you'll come to Cell Block 3, where you'll once again encounter Warden Kuril. Despite his protestations that "this is for the good of the galaxy!" you'll decide to kill him. However, he'll be protected by a powerful shield. To get to him, you'll have to take on several more prison guards, including some Blue Suns centurians and commanders, and destroy the three shield generators in the room. Once Kuril's shield goes down, you'll be able to attack him, and he shouldn't last long against your party.

When Kuril dies, you'll finally meet up with Jack. She won't be too happy to meet you, seeing as you're working for Cerberus and all, but she'll agree to join your crew if you grant her access to the Cerberus databases on board the Normandy. It doesn't really matter how you respond; Jack will get into the databases either way.

  • Experience: 1000

  • Credits: 30,000 (1500 from dead prison guard in Corridor 1, 4500 from dead prison guard in Cell Block 1, 4500 from dead prison guard in Corridor 2, 1500 from dead prison guard in Cell Block 2, 3000 from wall safe in Corridor 3, and 15,000 from Cerberus)

  • Resources: 500 Element Zero (from container in Cryo Control)

  • Upgrades: Damage Protection (from YMIR mech corpse in Cryo Storage) and Shotgun Damage (from shotgun in Cell Block 1)