

Loyalty Mission: The Gift of Greatness

Map Legend:
[B - Background Info]   [C - Credits]   [M - Medi-Gel]   [P - Power Cells]
[R - Resource]   [U - Upgrade]   [W - Weapon]

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You'll receive this mission immediately after completing the mission on Horizon.


When you talk to Jacob (in the armory on board the Normandy), he'll tell you that he was "pinged by a ghost" the other night. He'll explain that his father was the first officer on the Hugo Gernsback, a "research and grab" ship that went missing ten years ago, but which has mysteriously just sent out an SOS. He'll then ask you to help him check it out. If you agree, then he'll tell you that the distress signal is coming from the planet 2175 Aeia (Alpha Draconis / Rosetta Nebula).

When you arrive at the planet, you'll have to scan it to find the location of the Gernsback. To do so, just scan the planet normally, but then follow the white line on the targeting reticule of the scanner. It will lead you to a white dot on the surface of the planet, and when you launch a probe at it, you'll be allowed to land.

On the surface of the planet, you'll quickly come to the remains of the Gernsback. As you explore the ship and the area around it, you'll learn some disturbing things, including that the local flora causes "rapid neural decay" and that "we've done horrible things to the crew." You'll also meet a Beacon VI, which will let you know that Jacob's father, Ronald Taylor, is now the acting captain, and that for some reason the beacon was "paused" for over eight years.

Past the ship (at Path 1), you'll meet a survivor. She'll ramble about "the leader" and "your star" and "lost faith," and then some feral hunters will show up and attack you. You'll get a paragon interrupt to knock the survivor out of the way. If you use it, then you'll gain +7 paragon points, and the survivor will continue to survive. If you don't, then the survivor will get killed. After the battle, Jacob will announce, "Something is very wrong." Thanks, Jacob.

A ways down the path you'll come to a Survivor Camp. All of the survivors will be women, and you'll quickly realize that they must have been partaking from the local flora. The survivors will also comment on Jacob's "cruel face," which won't portend well for what his father has been up to.

As you attempt to leave the camp, three mechs will announce that weapons are forbidden, and they'll attack you. Then just outside the camp (at Path 3), you'll meet a doctor. She'll admit that she can no longer read, but she'll give you a crew logbook, which will explain what happened. You'll learn that Jacob's father forced the crew to eat the local flora, and then gave the women to the officers "like pets." Worse, after fixing the beacon, he decided to maintain his island paradise rather than seek rescue.

Near the doctor you'll find an inactive mech, which you'll need to rig to explode (by hacking it) so you can continue on along the path. From this point on you'll need to kill a bunch of brainwashed guards and mechs, including a heavy mech, as you make your way to Captain Taylor.

When you reach Captain Taylor, he'll start out by pretending to be innocent, but eventually he'll admit to what he did. "The realities of command, they change you." You'll then have three ways to deal with him. You can allow him to commit suicide, you can leave him for the feral hunters, or you can have him arrested. It won't really make any difference which you pick.

For completing the mission, you'll earn Jacob's loyalty, and Jacob will gain access to the Barrier power.

  • Experience: 750

  • Credits: 30,000 (1500 from spare parts at Crash Site, 3000 from PDA in Downed Ship, 1500 from spare parts at Path 1, 1500 from spare parts in Survivor Camp, 2100 from PDA in Survivor Camp, 1500 from spare parts at Crate Storage, 1500 from spare parts at Base Entrance, 2400 from PDA in Captain's Base 1, and 15,000 from Cerberus)

  • Resources: 500 Element Zero (from container in Captain's Base 1)

  • Upgrades: Heavy Pistol Damage (from heavy pistol at Crate Storage)