

Location: Windstone Fortress

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1 - Lost Soldiers

You'll find Private Banos and Private Caiden in these two spots. They're a part of the secondary quest The Missing Squadron. You'll need to escort them to Squadron Leader Taarth (#9).

2 - Mimic

3 - Sanctuary Door

You'll need a character with Melee 17 to go through the door.

4 - Secret Door

You can open the secret door by clicking on the statue next to it.

5 - Books

At these two spots, you'll find the books The Deeds of Xeria (Book 7) and Living and Working with Half Giants (Book 9).

6 - Lecterns

On these two lecterns, you'll find the lesser chant of melee skill (Chant 21) and the lesser chant of magic skill (Chant 23).

7 - Secret Door

The button that opens the door can be found on the steps leading to the nearby statue.

8 - Mana Shrine

9 - Squadron Leader Taarth

Taarth will give you the secondary quest The Missing Squadron.

10 - Sartan

Sartan will give you the secondary quest The Imprisoned Half-Giant. After you've completed the quest, you'll be able to add Sartan to your party.

11 - Captain Dathry

Captain Dathry is involved in the Windstone Fortress primary quest. He'll give you the Windstone Fortress outer vault key (Quest Item 24), allowing you to enter the Windstone Fortress Vault (Exit C).

12 - Rock Slide

You won't be able to pass the rock slide until after you've completed the Windstone Fortress primary quest.

  1. Exit to the Cliffs of Azunai.
  2. Exit to the Windstone Fortress Barracks.
  3. Exit to the Windstone Fortress vault. You'll need the key from Captain Dathry (#11) to get inside.
  4. Exit to the Temple of Xeria.