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Eletania is located in the Hercules system of the Attican Beta cluster. It is directly related to the "UNC: Lost Module" assignment and features a Prothean ruin that's worth paying a visit to. Avoid running over the monkeys unless you want some extra Renegade points.

1 - Arrival

The microscopic symbiotic creatures floating around in the air on Eletania make this planet a Level 1 Toxic Hazard.

2 - Downed Recon Probe

The recon probe Admiral Hackett told you about lies here, but the module is nowhere to be found. Perhaps the monkeys took it?

3 - Prothean Ruin

Approach the mysterious globe atop this Prothean ruin and perform a standard recovery feature to "activate" it. If you have Sha'ira's trinket from the "Citadel: Asari Consort" assignment, you can place it in the small, irregular slot on the underside of the sphere to cause it to explode. This prompts a dream sequence of sorts in which you assume the role of a Cro-Magnon human that's being monitored by an implanted Prothean data recorder. This basically clues you in on a potential relationship that existed between humans and Protheans at one time, though it's tough to really make sense of the brief amount of text you're given.

4 - Palladium Deposit

Survey this Palladium deposit to get one step closer to finishing the "Heavy Metals" section of the "UNC: Valuable Minerals" assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.

5 - Crashed Probe

Some more upgrades can be salvaged from the wreckage of this probe.

6 - Mining Tunnels

Enter these mining tunnels, head to the back right room, then search the monkeys there for the data module needed for the "UNC: Lost Module" assignment. Once it's in your possession, you'll gain six Paragon points and will be forced to face a small army of Geth (two Geth Destroyers, three Geth Shock Troopers, and four Geth Snipers) on your way back out of the mine. When the hostiles have been taken down, make sure you loot the medical kit, crate, secure crate, and three locked crates before leaving.

7 - Monkey Colony

A colony of monkeys! Just don't run any of them over.

8 - Gold Deposit

Survey this Gold deposit to get one step closer to finishing the "Heavy Metals" section of the "UNC: Valuable Minerals" assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.

9 - Monkey Colony

Another colony of monkeys! Drive carefully.




The Citadel


Liara's Dig Site












Uncharted Planets/Ships