

To accomplish his goals, for good or ill, the thief is a skilled pilferer. Cunning, nimbleness and stealth are his hallmarks. Whether he turns his talent against innocent passers-by and wealthy merchants or oppressors and monsters is a choice for the thief to make. There are seven thief abilities in Baldur's Gate II. At first level a thief character will receive 30 points to allocate among his abilities. Every level thereafter he will gain an extra 20 points. See Table 2 on pg 138 to see how a thief's abilities are modified according to race and dexterity.

Available Race(s): Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Dwarf, Half-Orc

Primary Attribute(s): Dexterity (9 Minimum)

Stronghold: The Thief can acquire Mae'Var's Guildhall in the Docks District. See our Thief Quests section for more information.


- Backstab

- Set Traps

- Detect Illusions

- Move Silently

- Hide in Shadows

- Pick Pockets

- Pick Locks

- Find/Remove Traps


- Cannot be Lawful Good

- Can only wear Leather or Studded Leather Armor

- Can only use Bucklers

- Limited weapon selection

Possible High-Level Abilities [ToB]

Avoid Death
Greater Evasion
Scribe Scrolls
Set Exploding Trap
Set Spike Trap
Set Time Trap
Use Any Item