

Companion Quest: One for My Baby

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You'll receive this quest from Boone in the sniper perch in Novac (#1).


Boone will tell you that Caesar's Legion abducted his wife Carla one night while he was on duty, but that they somehow knew exactly when and where to go to achieve their goal without notice. Boone will speculate that someone in town must have helped them out, and he'll ask you to figure out who it was, and then lead them out in front of the sniper perch so he can take care of them. Just to make sure that there are no mistakes, Boone will give you Boone's Beret and ask you to wear it when you have the culprit with you.

If you ask about Carla in town, then you'll hear a few stories about how she was snooty and didn't fit in, and that she had been fighting with Manny Vargas. But for a real lead, you'll need to talk to No-Bark Noonan (#2). He'll announce that molerat men must have done the deed, but he'll also mention that he saw the abductors, and that one of them spent some time at the Front Desk (#3).

If you search the Front Desk, then you'll find an "easy" locked safe behind the counter. If you can't (or don't want to) pick the lock on the safe, then you can steal Jeannie May's Safe Key from Jeannie May to get it open. Jeannie May will go to her house (#4) to sleep at night, making it easy to pick open and search the safe without being spotted. Inside the safe you'll find a Bill of Sale, which will prove that Jeannie May sold Carla (and her unborn baby) to Caesar's Legion for 1500 caps.

Surprisingly, there isn't any way to blackmail Jeannie May, and so you'll only have two options:
  • You can invite Jeannie May to take a stroll with you, which will result in the guilty party being executed, or
  • You can invite some other named resident of Novac to take the fall.
Either way, when you return to Boone, he'll ask you about your proof. If you looted the Bill of Sale and picked Jeannie May to die, then this dialogue will be easy, but if you framed an innocent, then you'll need 55 Speech to convince Boone that you knew what you were doing. If Boone buys your evidence, then you'll earn 150 xp, 100 caps, and a 1st Recon Beret, and Boone will become available as a companion. If Boone doesn't buy your evidence, then you'll still earn 250 xp, but Boone won't become available as a companion, and he might even attack you.

Note: Questioning people and searching for evidence is completely optional in the quest. You can simply ask the first person you meet to take a walk with you, and as long as you have 55 Speech, you'll get the best reward.

Another Note: If you decide to frame somebody, and you don't have 55 Speech, then you should pick Manny Vargas to take the fall (after completing his quest Come Fly with Me). That's because Manny will drop a 1st Recon Beret when he dies, and you won't get one from Boone if you're not convincing.

1 - Sniper Perch

2 - No-Bark's Shack

3 - Dino Dee-Lite Front Desk

4 - Jeannie May Crawford's House