

Side Quest: Run Goodsprings Run

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You'll receive this quest from Joe Cobb in Goodsprings (#7).

Note: Accepting this quest will prevent Ringo (#1) from offering you the quest Ghost Town Gunfight. You'll only be able to complete one of the two quests.


Cobb will tell you that a trader named Ringo decided to shoot and kill some fellow powder gangers rather than pay their "toll," and that he's now hiding somewhere in Goodsprings. If you offer to help out, then Cobb will ask you to hunt down Ringo and "put a bullet between his eyes."

You'll find Ringo all alone in the gas station (#1). If this is your first time playing the game, then you might want to talk to Ringo first and play a couple games of Caravan with him, but eventually you'll need to kill him and then return to Cobb. When you do, you'll gain some fame with the powder gangers, and Cobb will ask you to shake down Chet (#2) and Doc Mitchell (#5) for additional supplies:
  • Chet. To convince him to help out, you'll need 25 Barter or 25 Speech. You can improve your Barter skill by picking up a copy of Salesman Weekly from the general store (#2), the saloon (#3), or the schoolhouse (#6). You can improve your Speech skill by picking up a copy of Meeting People from a camper (#4) or the saloon. If you manage to convince Chet, then you'll gain Leather Armor, 30 9mm Rounds, powder ganger fame, and 25 xp.

  • Doc Mitchell. To convince him to help out, you'll need 25 Medicine. You can improve your Medicine skill by picking up a copy of Today's Physician from Doc Mitchell's house (#5). If you manage to convince Mitchell, then he'll give you his Spare Medical Supplies, and you'll earn 25 xp. If you deliver the supplies to Cobb (#7), then he'll share some of them with you, and you'll receive five Stimpaks, a Super Stimpak, Buffout, and some powder ganger fame.
When you're ready to take on the town, you should return to Cobb (#7) and let him know. He and the other powder gangers will then advance on the saloon (#3), where you'll get to duke it out with Sunny Smiles, Cheyenne, Easy Pete, and Trudy. You'll also need to kill Doc Mitchell, but it's possible that he'll stay in his house (#5). Once you've finished off the defenders, you'll lose fame with Goodsprings, you'll gain fame with the powder gangers, and you'll earn 100 xp. You'll also find some useful gear on the corpses, including Leather Armor, a Caravan Shotgun, and a Laser Pistol.

1 - Gas Station

2 - General Store

3 - Prospector Saloon

4 - Camper

5 - Doc Mitchell's House

6 - Schoolhouse

7 - Joe Cobb