

Overview: Northwestern Suburbs

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Notable Locations

1 - Raven Rock

Raven Rock is involved in the main quest The American Dream. Please refer to that quest entry for more information.

2 - MDPL-05 Power Station

3 - SatCom Array NW-05a

Inside this array tower you'll find a Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual (on a table) and the "Highwater Trousers" activation code (on a wastelander). If you use the code with the satellite control terminal in the upper part of the tower, then you'll be able call down a missile strike from an orbital platform, and cause some pretty explosions in the nearby area.

4 - Fort Constantine

Please refer to our Fort Constantine location entry for more information.

5 - SatCom Array NN-03d

If you defeat the raiders guarding the three satellite towers here, then inside you'll find a bunch of drugs, guns, and ammunition, plus a copy of Pugilism Illustrated (on a toilet in Tower C) and two Mini Nukes (on a target at the top of Tower C).

6 - MDPL-21 Power Station

Inside the power station you'll find a workbench, a terminal / safe combination, and a copy of Nikola Tesla and You.

7 - Montgomery County Resevoir

8 - Mason Dixon Salvage

You'll encounter several super-mutants guarding the two shacks here. In the eastern shack you'll find three ammunition boxes, a bed, and a copy of Tumblers Today (on the floor). In the western shack you'll find a first aid box, an ammunition box, a bed, a copy of the D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine (on the floor), and a copy of Nikola Tesla and You (on the table).

Between the two shacks you'll find a captive that you can rescue. In a nearby truck you can also loot a pair of ammunition boxes and sleep on a bed.

9 - Drowned Devil's Crossing

You'll come across an abandoned truck next to the destroyed bridge here. Inside the truck you'll find some meds and a safe.

10 - The Silver Lining Drive-In

You won't find much at the drive-in other than a bunch of derelict cars. But in the shack just to the north, you can pick up a copy of Grognak the Barbarian (from the table) and sleep on a bed.

11 - WKML Broadcast Station

Inside the station you'll find an electrical switch on the eastern wall. If you flip it on, then you'll begin receiving signal Kilo Bravo on your radio. If you then follow the signal to its source, you'll discover a sealed cistern just to the south. Inside the cistern you'll find a skeleton with some meds and a Bobblehead - Explosives doll.

12 - Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel

Inside this ruined church you'll encounter somebody named the Drifter standing watch in the rafters. He'll attack you when he spots you, but if you can kill him and knock him down, then on his corpse you'll find Combat Armor, a holotape labeled "Oasis Coordinates" (which will give you the location of Oasis), an Oasis Druid Hood, and the unique Sniper Rifle the Reservist's Rifle. Also in the chapel you'll find several beds, five ammunition boxes, and a copy of Guns and Bullets (on the ground next to some of the ammunition boxes).

13 - Mount Mabel Campground

Inside one of the campers here you'll find a bed, a first aid box, and two ammunition boxes. In another, you'll find a second first aid box.

14 - Deathclaw Sanctuary

Please refer to our Deathclaw Sanctuary location entry for more information.

15 - Broadcast Tower KB5

When you flip the electrical switch at the broadcast tower, you'll begin picking up radio signal Alfa Lima. If you follow the signal, then you'll discover a drainage chamber to the east. Inside the chamber, next to a skeleton at a locked door, you'll find a copy of Tumblers Today. In the locked room past the skeleton, you'll find some meds, a bed, and a Pre-War Book.

16 - SatCom Array NW-07c

17 - Shalebridge

18 - Abandoned Car Fort

19 - Five Axles Rest Stop

You'll encounter a few trucks parked in a circle here. Inside one of the trucks you'll find some beds, some raiders, a Mini Nuke, and a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes.

20 - MDPL Mass Relay Station

21 - Roosevelt Academy

22 - Faded Pomp Estates

You'll find a copy of Pugilism Illustrated in one of the ruined houses here (on the ground between a mattress and a fireplace), but otherwise you won't find much to get excited about.

23 - Paradise Falls

Please refer to our Paradise Falls location entry for more information.

24 - Hamilton's Hideaway

Please see our Hamilton's Hideaway entry for more information on the location.

25 - Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema

If you can defeat the super-mutants living here, then you'll be able to loot some stuff from the picnic tables, including cigarettes and a copy of Pugilism Illustrated. Slightly east of the cinema, you can also rummage through a derelict truck containing some metal boxes and a first aid box.

26 - Fordham Flash Memorial Field

You'll only find some raiders and Baseball Bats at this former baseball field.

27 - Kaelyn's Bed & Breakfast

You'll encounter some raiders here, both at the bed-and-breakfast and on the nearby bridge, but you won't find anything of interest, except for some random guns and ammunition on the corpses.

28 - Vault 106

Please see our Vault 106 entry for more information on the location.

29 - Arefu

Arefu is involved in the side quest Blood Ties. Please refer to that quest entry for more information.

30 - Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal

In this lightly irradiated section of the wasteland, you'll discover two offices connected by a tunnel. Between them, you'll find three first aid boxes, a workbench, a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum, some meds in a shelf, a pair of Radiation Suits, a safe / terminal combination, and a copy of the D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine (next to one of the first aid boxes).

31 - Everglow National Campground

Inside one of the campers here you'll find a bed, two ammunition boxes, lots of Sugar Bombs, and a copy of Guns and Bullets. On one of the picnic tables you'll find a first aid box.

32 - Rockbreaker's Last Gas

You won't find much here, just a dead wastelander sprawled out on the ground and a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum sitting on one of the vending machines.

33 - Broadcast Tower KT8

34 - Vault 87

The surface area around Vault 87 is highly irradiated. That means to get into the vault, you'll have to use an underground passage through Little Lamplight (#35).

35 - Little Lamplight

Please refer to our Little Lamplight location entry for more information.

36 - VAPL-58 Power Station

Inside the power station you'll find two first aid boxes, a workbench, a copy of Dean's Electronics (on the desk), a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum (on the workbench), a Mini Nuke (on top of the fluorescent lights), and a safe / terminal combination. On top of the power station (accessed via the ladder inside) you can also pick up a copy of U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes.

37 - Wastelander Camp

You'll find a wastelander camp built around the power pylon here. The wastelanders will probably attack you, regardless of your karma. Inside the camp you'll find a first aid box, two ammunition boxes, a Mini Nuke, Keller Family Transcript 1, and a bed that you can sleep on.

Note: This location will not show up on your world map.

38 - Abandoned Shack

You'll come across an abandoned shack at the top of the cliff here. Inside you'll find a workbench, a bed, two ammunition boxes, a safe, 14 Bobby Pins (on the table), a copy of Guns and Bullets (also on the table), Keller Family Transcript 4 (on the workbench), the Victory Rifle (in the locker near the bed), and more.

Note: This location will not show up on your world map.

Metro Stations

A - Northwest Seneca Station

Inside the Northwest Seneca Station you'll meet Murphy, who will offer to buy Sugar Bombs from you for 15 (or 30) caps each. The station is also involved in the side quest Blood Ties. See that quest entry for more information on the location.

Just to the northeast of the station, you can enter a grocery store. Inside you'll find radroaches, cigarettes, booze, and a floor safe / terminal combination (where you can open the safe by picking it or by hacking into the terminal). You'll also find a couple of boxes of Sugar Bombs.