

Nashkel Mines 1

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The Nashkel Mines were once the main iron extraction site of the region of Baldur's Gate, at least before the troubles started. Miners started to disappear and others were too afraid to work. Production was greatly diminished and even the iron that left the mines was somehow tainted. The miners speak of little demons who have overrun the mines, but can they really be believed?

1- SPOILER (LOCATION: X 165, Y 180):

Yet another spoiler, this one involving a Wand of Frost. Search the trunk of the tree and you'll find it.


Three War Dogs will greet you when you'll enter. They are easy to dispatch and the warehouse contains 33 gp. and a Potion of Healing.


The artist who stole 2 Emeralds in order to achieve his supreme masterpiece: a carved portrait of the elven queen Ellesime(see Baldur's Gate II). He regrets what he has done but thinks that he has already paid for it. He will first mistake you for the bounty hunter known as Greywolf, so you can either pretend to have been sent by him or affirm that you have nothing to do with him. If you choose the first option, you can dispatch Prism and return his 2 Emeralds to Oublek for your reward(see Oublek for more details). This path is NOT recommended. The second option gives you the chance to defend Prism from Greywolf when he comes. Killing Greywolf is harder than you might think, so put a character with a good AC in front of him. Use the rest of your party with missile weapons or spells against Greywolf. He is worth a good 1400 Exp. and he also carries the Long Sword +2, Varscona. Prism then unfortunately dies and you get 1000 Exp., +1 Reputation and you can return the Emeralds to Oublek for your reward.


A gnome who is being chassed by some kobolds. If you accept to help him he flees and lets you fight the kobolds.


Accepts to grant you admission to his mines if you have already talked with Berrun Ghastkill in Nashkel. He warns you, however, against what you might find.


Talk with the guards once Emerson has agreed to let you in. You can then enter the Nashkel Mines (see separate sections).


M. Kobolds, Winter Wolves, Ghasts

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