

AR4300 (North of Nashkel)

Did we miss anything in this location? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!

This section of the Coastway is rather deserted and is a favorite spot of bandits for ambushes. Traveling during the day lowers the risks, but without the Flaming Fists patrols, one is never sure of what he is going to find.

1- AMBUSH: Your party is ambushed at this point by a band of hobgoblins(6 of them) who are probably looking for gold and iron. The fight is easy and they have some arrows, if you are in need of any.

2- LORD FORESHADOW: This "lord" is making some publicity for Bioware's yet-to-be-released title "Neverwinter Nights". An interesting chat but no useful information.


M. Hobgoblins, Bandits, Gibberlings, Ghouls

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