

The Hero of Strength
Did we miss anything during this quest? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!

With the water blessed at the conclusion of the The Ritual quest, you'll learn that Hannah's father is being held captive by one of Lucien's men. Exiting the Wellspring Cave, you'll listen to a conversation between Hannah and the villain as you make your way back up to the Temple of Light (after looting the Children's Health Potion from the chest by the exit, of course). Lucien's lackey wants Hannah to come with him, but when she refuses, he shoots her father. Enraged, Hannah strikes out and kills the attacker. Sobbing ensues.

The next day, Hannah buries her father underneath the now-flourishing Golden Oak. She makes a vow to kill Lucien for what he did, thereby renouncing her vows and stepping down as a monk. Now that she has the fire within her as Theresa wanted, the sage shows up and takes Hannah (now "Hammer") away to set her on a path of revenge. At this point, you'll be rewarded with 1000 renown points and the Golden Oak Leaf trophy.

Theresa explains that she has taken Hannah to the Chamber of Fate. If you follow her there, you'll begin the The Hero of Will quest. However, you don't have to pursue the main quest just yet. A couple more quests are now open to you - The Summoners and Donating to the Light. Feel free to give either or both of these a whirl before meeting up with Theresa and Hannah/Hammer again.