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Powers of Matter
Hell Spikes: Call on the netherworld to shoot spikes under the feet of your opponents. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click anywhere in the world.

Energy Cage: Encircles your hapless victim with an impenetrable magic barrier. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click on your enemy.

Limbs of Lead: Once cast upon your opponents their limbs become like lead and they are slowed to a crawl. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click on your enemy.

Telekinesis: Discover the power to manipulate and use objects at a distance. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click. Little stars will start bursting forth from your mouse cursor. You can now use objects which you would normally not be able to reach by left-clicking on them. To cancel telekinesis, right-click.

Deathly Discs: Three vicious discs bristling with knives spiral outwards from the caster striking all within range. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click.

Polymorph: Transform your opponent into a harmless creature ready for the slaying. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click on your enemy.

Skeletal Wall: The caster calls upon the dead to summon forth hardened skeletal fighters to defend them in battle. To use, make the skill your active skill, and rightclick anywhere in the world.

Seeking Flame: Send forth a snaking stream of flame to explode upon contact with your enemy. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click anywhere in the world.