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Path of Body and Spirit
Wizard's Sight: Use the power of magic to cast your view into areas your feet have yet to tread. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click. Your mouse cursor will change into "select target" mode. Hold down the shift key and scroll to the spot you want to cast wizard's sight on. Now left-click and the shroud that covers the area will vanish temporarily. If you left-click on a house that is covered by a roof, you will be able to see the inside too.

Bless: Call upon the gods to grant you a blessing of the body. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click.

Restoration: Send your magical energy coursing through your veins to restore your health after battle. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click. Note that you can use this skill on creatures that are friendly to you by right-clicking on them.

Withering Curse: Cast this on your opponents and watch as their innate resistances are weakened. If an enemy turns out to be resistant to your favorite weapon or magic spell, cursing him usually is a good idea as it lowers his resistances. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click.

Aura of Guarding: A bright, shimmering magical shield protects the caster from all forms of physical attacks. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click. Note that you can use this skill on creatures that are friendly to you by right-clicking on them.

Magical Might: Once cast, magical energies course through your muscles boosting your natural strength. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click. Note that you can use this skill on creatures that are friendly to you by right-clicking on them.

Spellshield: Once cast, a bright magical shield of absorbing energy protects the caster from magical attacks. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click. Note that you can use this skill on creatures that are friendly to you by right-clicking on them.

Fade from Sight: A powerful and useful spell of invisibility that will leave your enemies bemused. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right-click.