

Vault Residence
Did we miss anything in this location? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!


After the agony in stony places
The shouting and the crying
Prison and palace and reverberation
Of thunder of spring over distant mountains
He who was living is now dead
We who were living are now dying


Learn Mutant Plans (Quest Automatically Given): The mutant army wants this vault - that can't be a good thing. Find out what they're up to. HINT: Red security lasers will kill you as soon as you touch them - you can duck under high lasers and jump over low ones, but some will need to be disabled.

Find Residence Key (Quest Automatically Given): Find the keycard that will give you access to Vault Residence Level 3.


Your first task upon entering the vault is to find out what the Mutants are planning. You are also informed that you will need to duck, jump, or disable many security lasers in the area. There is a Shop-Tec machine and a console with two buttons in the room. Pressing the left console button opens the door, the other button seems to do nothing.


When you leave the room and head down the hall, your path will become blocked by two lasers. Heading down the side hall, you'll get a brief scene where one of two Mutant Guards leaves his post to take a bathroom break. Kill the remaining guard and flip the switch in the room (to deactivate the lasers), then take care of the guard in the bathroom. The door on your right as you leave the bathroom requires a key, so head back to the hall where the lasers were and go through the door to the north.


You find yourself in a courtyard that has been overrun by giant spiders. Deal with them and the use the save point. Head south and raid the unlocked living quarters.


As you head west, you'll run into a fight between some Mutants and some spiders, in the aftermath there will be some computer parts to pick up.


You'll start to run into robots as the path takes you north.


The exit to level two is on the north wall. Since you don't have the key to open the other doors on this level, head on up.


When you get the keycard from level two, make your way back to the courtyard. You can now go through the door to the north. You get 600 experience points for having used the keycard.


In the next room, you'll have to fight about six regular Mutants and one Super Mutant, who fires rockets at you. I found this fight to be pretty easy, as I had invested in the "energy charge" perk and took out several of the regular Mutants with one shot.


When you've looted all the side rooms, head to level three.