

Shipyard Warehouse
Did we miss anything in this location? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!


There's not much that's eventful as you make your way west, although you'll be ambushed when you turn the corner and head north.


A box to the north has some junk that you can give to Giese. A save point waits around the corner. Head west from there, with a slight detour south.


Turn to the south when you get to the open space and head down the alley to get some good loot, including a home-made laser rifle. Start heading north again.


An exit that leads back to Bridge West turns up here. Use it if you need to restock.


Heading east from the exit, you finally run into the Mutants and they aren't really happy to see you. The exit near their area leads to a Vault-tech warehouse, but you can't get in yet, so head back west, then turn north at the save point. When you've killed the cult priest, you can enter the warehouse here, but you'll have to kill a couple of Mutants to get the door key.


After cleaning out the alleys to the west and east, continue north to a save point. You'll see the exit eventually, but your way is blocked by a truck. Cut through the building to the east to get there.


Turn right when you head out of the building and go down the narrow alley to find Harold's toe in a footlocker.


Go back up the alley and turn left to find the exit to the Holding Pens.