

Vault Facilities - Level Three
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Fix Damaged Shop-Tec (Quest Given by Shop-Tec Terminal): If you can find some spare parts, maybe you can fix the damaged Shop-Tec trading computer.


There's a damaged Shop-Tec machine in the starting room. You can fix it if you get the parts and recalibrate it to get a discount. Run around the rest of the level that's open to you and deal with the robots. When you are ready to explore the locked areas, head east toward the exclamation point on your mini-map.


When you get to the computer represented by the exclamation point, you'll need to use it to power up the doors. If you are observant, you'll have realized that doing this will activate the various security lasers on the floor. You'll have to work your way back toward the entrance, using the computer consoles to turn off the security lasers again.


The first console is on the other side of the bank of green lasers. It turns laser bank 2 off and three on.


The nest console is further south. It turns banks five and six of, but turns bank two back on.


The console in the room with the save point turns bank 1 off but 2 on.


Head through the door marked F07 and around to the console in front of F08. IT turns the bank at F09 off.


GET to F11 and turn the console on. It turn F09 back on, but turn F11 off. Explore the room and use the big console to turn F11 back on and F12 off.


There's a switch in F12 that allows you to turn off security lasers to an area with a footlocker. The parts for the Shop-Tec machine are in this locker. You need to move east next and enter the next room by ducking and dashing through when the shorting laser is off for a moment.


This room has a control console that turns F15 off. F15 has a console that turns F14 off and F12 on.


F14 has a malfunctioning command console, but it also leads to the entrance to the vault mainframe. You'll have to clear the next room of turrets and robots to get there, though.


The door in the next room leads to the mainframe. You aren't going to leave without repairing the Shop-Tec, though, are you? Just use the command consoles in reverse order to work your way back. You can get some heavy hardware from this Shop-Tec, including a mini-gun, a plasma rifle, and a turbo super sledge.