

Baldur's Gate (Southeastern) [Chapter 7]

Did we miss anything in this location? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!

There is nothing of much interest in this area so you can avoid it altogether. If you do wish to travel through it watch out for the Flaming Fist Enforcers.


A thief from the thieves' guild who recognizes you from your previous visits to the guild, though he is unaware of your name. He has a LOT of information concerning the present situation including the assassinations of Duke Entar Silvershield, of Scar as well as the disease which seems to eat away Duke Eltan. He also points out to the fact that the new leader of the Fists, Angelo Dosan, came in immediately after Eltan got sick. He finds it most strange and even links him to Sarevok, the new Iron Throne leader. So all in all, everything seems to become clear. Sarevok got rid of Eltan and Entar, the most powerful of the Grand Dukes. He also put one of his friends in command of the Fists to take control of the city. Now he's probably going to be named Grand Duke and get rid of the remain dukes. You have to act quickly is you want to prevent this from happening!


You should avoid this area as much as possible, else you'll get arrested and you'll be brought to Angelo at the Flaming Fist Castle where you'll be put in prison. Not a very nice scenario, is it? Also don't fight any soldiers or you'll lose a lot of reputation.

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