

Main Quest: Shadowmirk Tower

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Shadowmirk Tower is located in Northeast Thaermore. When you reach it, you'll discover that the front gate (#1) is locked. However, if you explore the area carefully, then you'll find that the tower also has a back door (Exit B), which you can use to get inside. After entering the tower, if you exit via the front door (Exit A) and pull the lever in the outer courtyard, then the front gate will open, making it easier to enter and exit the tower.

Inside the tower you'll have to solve some puzzles and do some fighting. See the Shadowmirk Tower location entry for more information. Eventually, you'll make it up to Level 3, where you'll find Erubor (#2). When you talk to Erubor, you'll discover that he knows way more than you do, but you'll still earn 2000 xp for your efforts. Erubor will also allow you to loot his chest (#3), where you'll find a Green Goblin Key, a Scroll of Detox, a Scroll of Fireball, and a Widget. You'll need the goblin key for the next main quest.

1 - Front Gate

2 - Erubor

3 - Chest

Local Exits
  1. Front door to Shadowmirk Tower.
  2. Back door to Shadowmirk Tower.




Main Quests


Barrier Range Region


Blackwater Region


Eastern Salted Coast




N. Tangletree Forest


North Parish


Northern Crakamir




South Parish

