

Location: A Frozen Crypt

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1 - Champion's Death Mask

The champion's death mask (Quest Item 58) can be used in the quests Princess Evangeline and Rahvan's Curse.

Note: In Broken World, you'll encounter a level 45 undead Azunite archer hero here. As in the secondary quest A Family Heirloom, you'll probably need to rush in and grab the mask rather than try to kill the hero, although at this point (if you're around level 30) you'll at least have a chance.

2 - Secret Doors

All three secret doors can be opened by pressing nearby buttons.

3 - Statue

Clicking on the statue (#3) will turn off the traps to the west and open the secret doors at #3a.

4 - Statue

Clicking on the statue (#4) will turn off the nearby traps and open the secret doors at #4a.

5 - Statue

Clicking on the statue (#5) will turn off the traps to the west and open the secret doors at #5a.

6 - Sanctuary Door

The door requires a character with Nature Magic 25.

  1. Stairs to the Garden of the Ancients.