

Bestiary: Young Skuldrak (WM2)
Name: Young Skuldrak (Level 9 Wilder)

Endurance: 139
Accuracy: 63
Damage: 23-31 Freeze
DR: 8 (Pierce 12, Burn 4, Corrode 12)

  • Might 11
  • Constitution 8
  • Dexterity 17
  • Perception 12
  • Intellect 5
  • Resolve 5
  • Deflection 44
  • Reflex 62
  • Fortitude 42
  • Will 24
  • Clear Out
  • Paralytic Poison
Skuldrs are large, mammalian creatures that dwell in caves in total or near-total darkness. As a result, they have poor vision and rely on their sense of hearing to navigate and find prey. The protrusions and hairs on their ears allow them to detect airflow, which is key to telling direction in an underground environment. They communicate through screeches and clicks, and use these vocalizations in a form of echolocation. They are communal creatures, and will nest and raise young together.