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Klensal is located in the Dis system of the Hades Gamma cluster. One of the two crimelords Helena Blake wants eliminated as part of the "UNC: Hostile Takeover" assignment can be found here.

1 - Arrival

While Klensal is completely covered in ice and snow, its blistering cold isn't potent enough to pose any risk to you or your squad members when you step out of the Mako.

2 - Platinum Deposit

Survey this Platinum deposit to get one step closer to finishing the "Heavy Metals" section of the "UNC: Valuable Minerals" assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.

3 - Syndicate Hideout

Three Mercenaries and two Mercenary Snipers guard the entrance to this hideout. Once inside, you can expect heavy resistance from several more Mercenaries, Mercenary Snipers, and a Crime Boss. When you've killed them all and subsequently dismantled their organization, you will be one step closer to finishing Helena Blake's "UNC: Hostile Takeover" assignment. If this is the second crime boss you've defeated, you should continue on to the planet of Amaranthine in the Fortuna system of the Horse Head Nebula Cluster to claim your "reward." Make sure you grab the contents of the upgrade kit and medical kit in the main room and then search the hideout's back room for a stash of weapons and an aid station before leaving, though.

4 - Crashed Escape Pod

A crashed escape pod with absolutely no significance whatsoever. I'm not even sure why it shows up on the map.

5 - Mummified Salarian

A successful recovery operation focused on this Salarian's corpse will uncover a League of One medallion needed for the "UNC: Locate Signs of Battle" assignment.

6 - Crashed Probe

Bypass the security on this space probe to nab a couple more upgrades for your squad.

7 - Beryllium Deposit

Survey this Beryllium deposit to get one step closer to finishing the "Light Metals" section of the "UNC: Valuable Minerals" assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.




The Citadel


Liara's Dig Site












Uncharted Planets/Ships