


Did we miss anything in this section? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!

1 - Refugees

You'll find each of these refugees surrounded by several demons. You'll need to kill the demons to free the refugees. Once you've rescued all of the refugees (about 8 in total), talking to Theogenes in Epirus will complete the side quest "Among the Ruins" and earn you a random piece of jewelry and 32,000 experience points.

2 - Admetus

You'll find Admetus dying here. When you talk to him, he'll give you the Medicinal Supplies required for the side quest "A Dangerous Mission." When you deliver the supplies to Pisistratus in Epirus, he'll reward you with 65,000 gold and 32,000 experience points.

3 - Proseia

Proseia is the captain of the demon attackers. When you kill her, you'll update the side quest "The Enemy's Captain," and then when you return to Pythes in Epirus, you'll receive a random weapon and 32,000 experience points.


A Bridge to Epirus.
B Entrance to the Passage of Souls. After descending to the bottom of the passage, you'll find yourself in Hades near the banks of the River Styx.

Other People and Places of Interest:

EEnchanter (IT)
FRebirth Fountain
VCaravan Driver (IT)
$Treasure Container


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