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1 - Menelaus

When you talk to Menelaus, you'll trigger a series of attacks on his camp. These attacks will include a lot of demons and even a couple of siege striders. Menelaus will place a battle marker in the middle of the camp when the fighting starts, and Menelaus' men will only fight as long as the marker survives. So try to protect the men and the battle marker while you're fighting, and then, once you've killed all of the attackers, talk to Menelaus again. He'll reward you with a random weapon and 35,000 experience points. This battle sequence will complete the side quest "The Achaean Pass."

Note: Menelaus was a figure in Greek mythology. He was the king of Sparta, and it was his wife Helen whose face "launched a thousand ships" and sparked the Trojan War. You can read more about Menelaus here.

2 - Cave of Apollo

You won't find anything interesting inside the cave (at least on the normal difficulty setting).

3 - Cave of Artemis

Since Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo, it's only fair that her cave is just as optional as his (#2).


A Stairs to Aneslasia.
B Exit to the Fields of the Diadochi.

Other People and Places of Interest:

EEnchanter (IT)
FRebirth Fountain
VCaravan Driver (IT)
$Treasure Container