

The Necromancer's Amulet
Quest Information
Starting Location: Imperial City Arcane University
Starting NPC: Hannibal Traven
Possible Reward(s): None

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Once you've given Hannibal the time he needs following the conclusion of the A Plot Revealed quest, he'll tell you that two of the guild's most powerful artifacts have been foolishly taken by guild mages for the sake of fighting Mannimarco on their own. One of these artifacts is the Necromancer's Amulet, which Hannibal tells you was taken by Caranya to Fort Ontus. He requests that you track down Caranya and return the artifact to the guild before it falls into the Necromancers' hands.

Fort Ontus lies to the southwest of Chorrol, just to the east of the first "e" in "The Colovian Highlands." When you arrive, it appears that Caranya and her fellow mages are friendly toward you. It won't be until you speak with Caranya in the fort's lower level that you realize her true purpose for the amulet. She will tell you that she no longer follows Traven and that she only heeds the word of Mannimarco. Of course, that means she won't just hand over the amulet, and instead intends to let Mannimarco "suck the marrow from your bones." Show her the error in her ways, then strip the Necromancer's Amulet from her corpse.

Once Caranya lies dead, you'll have to make your way back through the fort's lower levels fighting all the mages that were previously friendly toward you. They've all exposed their true nature by donning Necromancer Robes now, so their deaths shouldn't give you a guilty conscience. When you finally emerge from the fort's depths, you can either fast-travel to the Arcane University and return the amulet to Hannibal or you can move on to the The Bloodworm Helm quest if you haven't already completed it.

If you head back to Arch-Mage Traven now, he will express his disappointment that Caranya turned on the guild, as she was one of his most trusted advisors. He also promises to make sure the amulet is safe, though it seems strange that it was left out in the open before. Considering your success with all the previous quests, maybe you should be entrusted as the keeper of such artifacts?

If you've already finished the The Bloodworm Helm quest, then Hannibal tells you to speak with Raminus for further advancement in the guild. When you speak with Polus, he grants you the rank of Master-Wizard, the highest rank that he can bestow on another mage. With that out of the way, return to Traven to begin the Ambush quest.