GB Feature: DS2: Broken World Power Feature #1

We've published a few details about the Execute power available to Blood Assassins in Gas Powered Games' Dungeon Siege II: Broken World expansion pack. Enjoy!

    It's bad enough to get shot with an arrow, but it's even worse when the arrow is fired by a Blood Assassin. Blood Assassin attacks (mark) their enemies with powerful magical runes. When the Assassin uses her Execute finishing move, it activates the magic of those runes, releasing their power it in an explosion of energy on the marked victims.

    To make things worse, the Blood Assassin has a repertoire of several marks, each with a different effect when activated. If you become marked, you need only glance at the rune to see whether you will be burned, cursed, or simply struck down.
We've even scored a video depicting the Execute power being used in-game, for those of you wanting to see it firsthand.