

Arcane Mechanic Trick: Summon Chimera
Summon Chimera Cost: 2
Summons your chimera to do battle.

Skill Ranks
  1. 60 second duration
  2. 72 second duration
  3. 82 second duration
  4. 91 second duration
  5. 99 second duration
  6. 106 second duration
  7. 111 second duration
  8. 115 second duration
  9. 118 second duration
  10. 120 second duration

Skill Masteries

Dietary Supplement: The chimera gains 20% health in battle. Requires Rank 5.
Chimera Vengeance: When the chimera dies, an explosion occurs, damaging all enemies within 5m for 500% of its melee damage. Enemies are knocked down if the damage exceeds 50% of their max HP. Requires Rank 10.