

Cleric Spells - Sixth Level

Level: Clr 6
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

The dreaded harm charges a victim with negative energy that causes the loss of all but 1d4 hit points. If used against an undead creature, it acts like heal.


Level: Clr 6
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The very potent heal spell enables a Cleric to channel positive energy into a creature to wipe away disease and injury. It completely cures all diseases, blindness, and deafness of the target and cures all hit-point damage and all temporary damage to ability scores. It dispels feeblemind and cures those mental disorders caused by spells or injury to the brain. Heal does not remove negative levels, restore permanently drained levels, or restore permanently drained ability scores. If used against an undead creature, heal acts like harm.