Borderlands Previews

The Internet is home to a couple more hands-on Borderlands previews - one in text and the other in video format.

The text preview is at IncGamers:
And all of the weapons, pretty incredibly, feel different too. The way they fire, their weight and power all make it feel you're using a different weapon each time. Even guns of the same base feel different with the procedural generation system at work. It's fun, and also gives players a different kind of choice, which I think is vitally important. You can find out more about this in our video interview with Randy, as he explains the influence of Diablo in Borderlands' arsenal of weapons.

And speaking of Diablo, let's talk a little bit about the classes in the game. If you've been following the progress of the title at all, you'll know there are four classes and you play as one of four playable characters. The good news is that Borderlands offers some great multiplayer options, making use of the other three characters you don't choose. You're able to stat up your character and take it to any other players' world without losing your stats or loot. You'll also be able to keep any loot you acquire in the multiplayer campaign modes, and bring it all back to your world. Combine that with the four-player co-op feature, and you have here a game which offers shooter fans as much variety as you can currently get in the genre.
While the video preview is at IGN - and, yes, it differs from the text preview they posted yesterday.