Fallout 3: A Rehash of Old Stories

The guys over at Hellforge have whipped up a new article that points out how Fallout 3 reused plot elements from previous Fallout titles. Water purification, G.E.C.K. retrieval, utilizing a strain of the Forced Evolutionary Virus, and other subjects are tackled:
Final Boss Commits Suicide

In the first Fallout, you can talk The Master into ending his own life for the good of mankind by convincing him that his plan to convert everyone into a super mutant a plan conceived to make the world more hospitable for all mankind is wrong.

As with The Master, you can talk Fallout 3's President Eden, a ZAX A.I. to self-destruct by convincing him that his plan to kill every irradiated or mutated human with a modified strain of FEV (in order to purify the wasteland and start mankind anew) is wrong and will lead to destruction of mankind, which he has sworn to protect.