Rock, Paper, Shotgun Disputes WGA's Nominees

The guys at Rock, Paper, Shotgun are apparently scratching their heads over the recently announced nominees for the WGA's first-ever Videogame Writing Awards. Their take on The Witcher's nomination:
The Witcher. Don't make me talk about the Witcher again, please. Ack. Well, it's an RPG beloved by many, but one thing a fair few of its defenders and detractors alike agree on is that the English translation leaves a bit to be desired. A lot, in fact. The original Polish script is reportedly much stronger, but it appears the Atari English writers/translators are also name-checked for this award. I'm not going to risk RPG-fan wrath by taking another pop at the Witcher here, and I'm happy to admit it does some fun things with its narrative, but I am a little shocked that it would be considered an ambassador for game writing, for last year of all years. You may disagree.