EverQuest II State of the Game Report

WarCry has published an extensive EverQuest II "State of the Game" report compiled by executive producer Scott Hartsman. In it, several EQ2 developers talk about what they're working on at the moment and what sort of content players can expect in the future. Tradeskill designer Emily Taylor:
Looking forward to the Rise of Kunark, crafters can expect to have a bit more reason to travel outside their home cities, as camps of Sarnak and Iksar will be requesting their assistance in manufacturing goods to support their efforts. Some of the crafted items made from Kunark recipes should also add a few new stats that crafted equipment hasn't previously granted.

Crafters can also expect a number of tradeskill quests to be added, yielding a variety of tradeskill-related rewards. And, of course, another 10 levels of new recipes to look forward to should make Kunark an exciting discovery for all!