GB Feature: Titan Quest: Immortal Throne Interview

We've published a two-page interview with Iron Lore's Mike Verrette in an attempt to learn as much as we can about their upcoming Titan Quest: Immortal Throne expansion pack.
GB: Tell us a bit about the new enchanter NPCs and the arcane formulae that players can use to create artifacts. Can you give us a few examples of such artifacts?

Mike: Arcane formulae are basically recipes for powerful artifacts that can be created by Enchanters for a fee of course. Once a player acquires a formula (and they are somewhat rare) they will then need to acquire the necessary ingredients these could be charms, relics, or possibly even other artifacts. Once made, an artifact can be equipped on the character in a new equipment slot. When worn, it will grant the player with new skills and bonuses unique to that artifact.

Enchanters can also be used to separate relics from items, although players will have to choose which they wish to keep, as the other object will be destroyed. And like all things in life this service is not free.