Top 10 Best Retro RPGs on the PC

The folks at Mana Pool have put together a list of what they feel are the "10 best retro RPGs on the PC", and while there are certainly some worthy titles on it, it's clear that the author's definition of "retro" only applies to video games released after 1997. By that, I mean that there isn't a single Wizardry, Might and Magic, Bard's Tale, or Gold Box title to be found, and both Fallout 1 and 2 are listed instead of making any mention of Wasteland. Still, Planescape: Torment makes its expected appearance:
Planescape: Torment is probably the most immersive and rich game with the best story ever made. Ever made. Its setting is Planescape, a confusing multiverse of devils, demons, angels, burning men, talking boxes, floating skulls and people created from the power of imagination. I have immense sympathy for those people who did not play it at the time. Whilst now an old game, Planescape: Torment remains a cult classic. You absolutely must play this.