Strength increases damage and attack values for warriors. For all classes, it increases fortitude, which
measures resistance to effects like being knocked back or set aflame.
Dexterity increases damage and attack values for rogues. For all classes, it increases the likelihood of
landing a critical hit.
Magic increases damage and attack values for mages. For all classes, it increases magic resistance, which
absorbs a proportion of damage from magical attacks and determines the duration of hostile magical effects.
Cunning increases defense for all classes as well as the amount of damage inflicted by a critical hit. Cunning
also determines a rogue's aptitude for picking locks and disarming traps, with difficulty thresholds set at 10,
20, 30, and 40 points.
Willpower increases the size of the mana pool for mages or the stamina pool for warriors and rogues.
Constitution increases maximum health for all classes.