


Dungeon Lords Equipment Database: Search Results
Bloodlust Potion
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: N/A Installation: Dungeon Lords
Special: Imbues the drinker with the Bloodlust spell.

Cure Poison
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: N/A Installation: Dungeon Lords
Special: Immediately removes a character's poisoned effect.

Greater Heal
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: N/A Installation: Dungeon Lords
Special: A more powerful version of the standard Heal Potion.

Heal Potion
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: N/A Installation: Dungeon Lords
Special: The standard healing potion in Dungeon Lords.

Liquid Air
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: N/A Installation: Dungeon Lords
Special: Imbues the drinker with the ability to breathe underwater.

Potion of Power
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: N/A Installation: Dungeon Lords
Special: Imbues the drinker with statistic bonuses.

Cure Poison
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: $100 Installation: Dungeon Lords MMXII
Special: Cures poison

Frenzy Potion
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: $100 Installation: Dungeon Lords MMXII

Greater Heal
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: $100 Installation: Dungeon Lords MMXII
Special: Restores 250 health

Heal Potion
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: $25 Installation: Dungeon Lords MMXII
Special: Restores 50 health

Liquid Air
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: $100 Installation: Dungeon Lords MMXII
Special: Maintains a sphere of breathable air around you for 2 minutes

Mana Potion
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: $35 Installation: Dungeon Lords MMXII
Special: Restores 100 mana

Potion of Power
Type: Potion Skill: N/A
Price: $250 Installation: Dungeon Lords MMXII

Results 1 - 13 of 13

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