

Dungeon Siege Spell Database: Search Results
Icon Spell Description Min Skill Level Scroll Value
Acid Cloud Surrounds the Target with a cloud of acid, damaging nearby Enemies. 12 499
Acid Gas Surrounds the Target with a small puff of acid, damaging Enemies caught within. 1 17
Battle Healing Infuses a Party Member with x Health. x is based on your magic skill and/or mana points. 10 352
Blaster Conjures a flurry of intense flameballs to pelt the Enemy. 98 967555
Bomb Ignites a magical bomb and hurls it at the Target. 60 168888
Bombard Catapults several exploding balls of fire towards the Enemy. 100 998779
Burn Body Bursts an Enemy corpse with searing flame. 1 15
Cluster Bomb Ignites a handful of magical bombs and hurls them at the Enemy. 96 912745
Corpse Transmutation Allows Caster to draw Mana from the bodies of the dead. 44 50234
Curse Strikes the enemy with a curse, lowering its ability to fight and recover from damage. Mana cost dependent on the power of the Target. 26 5263
Cyclone Of Fire Calls forth a massive cyclone of fire from the sky that incinerates Enemies caught in its path. 90 708591
Death Blast Delivering killing blows will explode the Enemy in a powerful burst of flame. Click on the Caster to enable this spell. 24 7122
Dragon Fire Invokes a searing gout of Flame to rake the Enemy. 104 1599600
Explode Body Blasts apart the flesh of the dead, causing concussion damage to surrounding Enemies. 20 2512
Explosive Powder Ignites a magical charge and hurls it at the Target. 3 25
Fire Ring Surrounds the Caster with a seething ring of fire, burning Enemies within range. 26 8041
Fire Wall Lays a searing wall of flame before the caster, burning all Enemies who pass through. 32 19357
Fireball Hurls a large ball of flame that explodes on impact. 20 3684
Fireball Rain Calls forth explosive rain from the sky that incinerates Enemies with each strike. 84 528779
Fireblast Launches several exploding balls of fire at the Target. 90 691787
Firebomb Catapults an exploding ball of fire toward the Enemy. 70 300555
Firerain Calls forth a hail of fire from the sky, burning Enemies with each strike. 48 79528
Fireshot Hurls a ball of fire at the Target. 0 8
Fireshot Armor Adds x to Armor and blasts a Fireshot back at attacking Enemies. x is based on your magic skill and/or mana points. 63 13596
Fireskull Summons a flaming skull and hurls it at the Target. 16 1723
Firespray Sends Multiple Fireshots fanning out from the Caster's hand. 4 35
Flame Burns nearby Enemies with a sweep of fire. 8 197
Flame Blades Conjures flaming blades and hurls them at the Target. 52 79482
Flame Shield Calls forth a protective coat of flame around the Caster, adding x to Armor and burning attackers. x is based on your magic skill and/or mana points. 32 13946
Incinerate Envelops the Enemy with searing flames. 88 530288
Inferno Extends a fan of intense flames in front of the Caster. 54 115874
Leech Life Tears x Health from the Enemy and gives it to the Caster. x is based on your magic skill and/or mana points. 2 20
Malign Weakens an enemy by reducing its Armor. Mana cost dependent on the power of the Target. 80 350123
Mana Chant Adds to Mana recovery at the expense of Health. 9 158
Metal Shards Arcs a tight spray of jagged metal shards toward the Target. 36 26853
Meteor Calls a meteor from the sky to smite the Target. 66 241851
Meteor Storm Calls forth Meteors from the sky and smashes them into the target area. 102 1125557
Ogre's Might Boosts the Target physical power, adding x to Strength. x is based on your magic skill and/or mana points. 34 890
Pain Reflux % of damage taken is reflected back to the attacker. x is based on your magic skill and/or mana points. 38 30128
Pestilence Calls forth a cloud of plague over the targeted area, damaging Enemies caught within. 42 49583
Pestilence cloud Calls forth a massive cloud of plague over the targeted area, damaging Enemies caught within. 78 421001
Pillar Of Fire Creates a pillar of fire that wanders the grounds, igniting Enemies caught in its path. 72 330529
Rage Adds x to Minimum Melee Damage and x to Maximum Melee Damage at the expense of Health. x is based on your magic skill and/or mana points. 3 22
Reconstitution Infuses the entire Party with x Health per second. x is based on your magic skill and/or mana points. 24 7523
Revive Raises the corpse of a Party Member. Mana cost dependent on the power of the Target 5 71
Rip Mana Tears x Mana from the Enemy and gives it to the Caster. x is based on your magic skill and/or mana points. 0 9
Sharg's Revive Raises the corpse of a Party Member along with some health. Mana cost dependent on the power of the Target. 45 36251
Soul Lance Summons a powerful magical lance that arcs toward the target. 7 139
Spirit Armor Surrounds the Target with a shifting spectral aura, adding x to Armor. x is based on your magic skill and/or mana points. 12 401
Summon Black Drake Summons a Black Drake to guard the Caster. 94 644957
Summon Darkling Summons a Darkling to guard the Caster. 21 3443
Summon Desert Braak Summons a Desert Braak to guard the Caster. 69 209852
Summon Fire Elemental Summons a Fire Elemental to guard the Caster. 105 955916
Summon Forest Troll Summons a Forest Troll to guard the Caster. 33 14569
Summon Hell Boar Summons a Hell Boar to guard the Caster. 39 29018
Summon Impaler Summons an Impaler to guard the Caster. 75 289493
Summon Jade Gargoyle Summons a Jade Gargoyle to guard the Caster. 5 65
Summon Lava Spirit Summons a Lava Spirit to guard the Caster. 86 439552
Summon Mucosa Summons a Mucosa to guard the Caster. 16 1384
Summon Mucosa Predator Summons a Mucosa Predator to guard the Caster. 80 326512
Summon Picker Summons a Picker to guard the Caster. 48 60002
Summon Skeleton Summons a Skeleton to guard the Caster. 10 278
Summon Skeleton Krug Dog Summons a Skeleton Krug Dog to guard the Caster. 61 139456
Summon Skick Summons a Skick to guard the Caster. 28 11288
Summon Slag Summons a Molten Golem to guard the Caster. 100 826541
Summon Wraith Summons a Wraith to guard the Caster. 53 84987
Summon Wraith Archer Summons a Wraith Archer to guard the Caster. 57 109797
Summon Zombie Summons a Zombie to guard the Caster. 43 40812
Tremor Calls forth a violent earthquake, shaking apart Enemies caught within. 108 1385445
Triple Strike Grants the Target the ability to attack three adjacent Enemies with each swing. 22 5302
Weaken Rots the muscles of the Enemy, reducing Minimum Melee Damage by x and Maximum Melee Damage by x. Mana cost dependent on the power of the Target. x is based on your magic skill and/or mana points. 7 97


Dungeon Siege


Legends of Aranna