

House of Gems Interior
Map of the House of Gems (Interior)

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Possible Encounters
Dwarven Statue


The entrance to the House of Gems is located here. Use the door to get outside.


A Dwarven Statue protects the House from intruders in this room. You will have to fight it in order to continue forward. The chest in this room contains the Axe of the Phoenix and the Gnarled Copper key. The key in needed to unlock the door to the east.


This room is heavily trapped. Crossing it will trigger the traps and the room will be filled with Lightning Bolts. A rogue however can pass the room without triggering the traps. Use your rogue to pass the room and get the pass key from the chest in area #4. After that, use the Pass Key on the east door of the room to deactivate the traps.


Search the chest to find the Pass Key you need to disarm the traps in area #3. The staircases here take you up to Harldain Ironbar's room. The door to the east leads to the House of Gems Tower (ground level).


The ghost of Harldain Ironbar resides in this room. Ironbar will not talk to you until you destroy the Spawn Pool outside of the House. The door to the west takes you to the roof of the house and to the area where the Spawn Pool can be found.

When you do destroy the Pool outside, Ironbar will talk to you. He will fix the Wizard Torc that opens the way to the Catacombs at Ualair's Circle in the Speculum and release the Orrery Planet from the Blue Orb (The one you got from the Orogs and the beginning in Stillwater). He also sells some nice items.

When you need to find a new Gem of the Weave return here and Ironbar will give you the Tumblerbar (Hinged Device). Use the Tumblerbar on the pedestal outside of the house where the broken statue is located to get to the Hoard Chamber and find the Emerald of the Weave.