

Thane Krios
Thane Krios A deadly assassin born of the Drell race, Thane is a warrior-monk. He is stoic, collected, and very spiritual. He ardently believes in his religious path and its accompanying rites and prayers. From Thane's perspective, his body is the weapon wielded by his employers, however he does not believe in killing indiscriminately. Once his services were up to the highest bidder, but something happened; something changed him. Now he has shifted his professional philosophy; he no longer takes contracts for pay, but rather he chooses his targets based on his moral and religious beliefs.

While Thane is lethal with any firearm, he is also a powerful biotic who is able to manipulate foes at will. If Commander Shepard can convince Thane to join his mission, he will have one of the galaxy's most dangerous assassins at his side.

To recruit Thane into your squad, you'll first need to get tipped off to his location on Illium from information broker Liara T'Soni. As it turns out, Thane has is pursuing an asari mark by the name of Nassana Dantius. When you reach Nassana at the top of Dantius Towers, Thane will take care of this "final job" and offer to take residence on the Normandy SR-2.

Power/Ability Training
Drell Assassin, Shredder Ammo (Loyalty), Throw, Warp

Weapon Training
Submachine Guns, Sniper Rifles