

Grunt Believing anything can be resolved by a fight, Grunt is a younger Krogan who is excitable and energetic. His Krogan nature drives him to violence and killing, yet not indiscriminately. With his "might makes right" philosophy, Grunt never shies from confrontation nor would he let Commander Shepard do the same. Like his Krogan brethren, he lives for the glory battle and he is yet to know defeat.

To recruit Grunt into your squad, you must first travel to Korlus and find a krogan named Warlord Okeer. Okeer has built a "perfect" krogan soldier in some kind of stasis tank, and after his untimely death, Shepard decides to bring the tank onto the Normandy. Should you open it, you can expect some pent-up anger.

Power/Ability Training
Concussive Shot, Fortification (Loyalty), Incendiary Ammo, Krogan Berserker

Weapon Training
Assault Rifles, Shotguns