

Miranda Lawson
Miranda Lawson Born on Earth, Miranda comes from a wealthy background. However, underneath her opulent upbringing lies a woman who is calm, collected and driven to accomplish her mission, at any cost. She is quick to judge and values her assignments and goals over people. Miranda is also a powerful biotic as well as a tech specialist. Her unique combination of talents allows her overload enemy shields, leaving them open for a follow-up biotic attack.

Early in her life she approached Cerberus and the Illusive Man and she is now devoted to their cause. She does what needs to be done in order to achieve Cerberus' goals.

To recruit Miranda into your squad, you simply have to make it through the game's very first area - the Lazarus Research Facility - alive. She becomes your second squadmate as you head off to Freedom's Progress.

Power/Ability Training
Cerberus Officer, Overload, Slam (Loyalty), Warp

Weapon Training
Heavy Pistols, Submachine Guns