

Most Recent Temple of Elemental Evil News

The Temple of Elemental Evil - Matt Chat

Posted by ValH at 9:58 am on 12.20.2021 (2 years ago)

Matt Barton spends close to four hours with Troika's The Temple of Elemental Evil in the latest episode of Matt Chat. And seeing h...

GOG - Grand RPG Sale Live

Posted by ValH at 10:15 am on 07.28.2020 (4 years ago)

If you’re interested in buying some RPGs while also saving a bit of cash, you can now participate in GOG’s Grand RPG Sale. Fea...

George Ziets Interview, Part 5 - Matt Chat

Posted by ValH at 12:40 pm on 12.9.2019 (4 years ago)

The fifth and final installment of Matt Barton's extensive chat with George Ziets covers plenty of interesting topics, including t...

Leonard Boyarsky Interview, Part 3 - Matt Chat

Posted by ValH at 10:32 am on 02.5.2018 (6 years ago)

In the third and final installment of his chat with Matt Barton, Leonard Boyarsky talks about his days at Troika Games and all the...

Leonard Boyarsky Interview - Vampire, Diablo, and What's Next for Obsidian

Posted by ValH at 10:52 am on 12.16.2017 (6 years ago)

Leonard Boyarsky, the veteran RPG developer who started at Interplay, co-founded Troika Games, spent a decade at Blizzard Entertai...

Why The Temple of Elemental Evil is the Most D&D Game Ever Made

Posted by BuckGB at 3:48 pm on 06.25.2017 (7 years ago)

Although they admit that it's not the "best" Dungeons & Dragons-based CRPG ever created (Planescape: Torment carries that distinct...

PC Gamer's History of RPGs

Posted by ValH at 9:55 am on 05.20.2017 (7 years ago)

Richard Cobbett, a well-known pundit when it comes to RPGs, has put together a comprehensive guide to PC RPGs, starting from way b...

Tim Cain on Building a Better RPG

Posted by BuckGB at 2:48 am on 05.1.2017 (7 years ago)

Tim Cain, a veteran developer and one of the founders of Troika Games, has recently delivered a keynote speech at the Reboot Devel...

Leonard Boyarsky Talk: A Life in Video Games

Posted by ValH at 11:44 am on 02.24.2017 (7 years ago)

Leonard Boyarsky, who worked at Interplay Entertainment, Troika Games, Blizzard Entertainment, and is currently holding a position...

Icewind Dale: ToEE Total Conversion Mod in Open Beta

Posted by ValH at 11:31 am on 01.8.2017 (7 years ago)

In case you ever wanted to know what would happen if Infinity Engine games were truly turn-based, and possibly looked a whole lot ...

The Temple of Elemental Evil "Temple+" Mod Released

Posted by BuckGB at 2:24 am on 04.5.2016 (8 years ago)

Former Circle of Eight mod contributor Sitra Achara recently assembled a small team of tinkerers and set out to not only refine th...

The Temple of Elemental Evil Retrospective Review

Posted by BuckGB at 3:55 pm on 08.9.2014 (9 years ago)

RPG Codex has cranked out a retrospective critique of The Temple of Elemental Evil, one of the fine titles we were treated to duri...

Keep on the Borderlands v1.0.0 "Final" Build Released

Posted by BuckGB at 1:25 am on 06.28.2014 (10 years ago)

It's hard to believe that it's been over six years since we last reported about Circle of Eight's Keep on the Borderlands modifica...

D&D Titles Get Language Packs and Macintosh Ports

Posted by BuckGB at 8:20 pm on 04.19.2014 (10 years ago)

A celebration is in order if you're an OS X gamer, as has announced that Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga, Baldur's Gate I...

Tim Cain Retrospective Interview

Posted by sear at 5:33 pm on 09.4.2012 (11 years ago)

RPG Codex continues its recent string of retrospective interviews, this time presenting a sit-down with legendary RPG designer Tim...

The Temple of Elemental Evil v7.3.0 Modpack Released

Posted by BuckGB at 6:20 pm on 06.26.2012 (12 years ago)

It's a good day to be a Troika fan, as the team over at Circle of Eight has kicked out version 7.3.0 of their popular modpack for ...

Jason Anderson Interview

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 6:23 am on 06.26.2012 (12 years ago)

It seems like we missed the interview earlier, but has chatted with RPG developer extraordinaire Jason Anderson, now e...

Leonard Boyarsky Interview

Posted by Brother None at 10:24 pm on 05.7.2012 (12 years ago)

RPG Codex offers a retrospective interview with Fallout, Troika and now Diablo III designer and artist Leonard Boyarsky, about his...

The Temple of Elemental Evil v7.0.0 Modpack Released

Posted by Brother None at 6:24 pm on 12.21.2011 (12 years ago)

The Circle of Eight team continues to work on its popular modpack for Troika's Temple of Elemental Evil, with the newest update pu...

Dungeons & Dragons Anthology and Neverwinter Nights Complete Promotional Trailer

Posted by BuckGB at 12:59 am on 12.17.2011 (12 years ago)

Even though the two compilation packs were technically announced over a month ago, it wasn't until today that Atari sent us over a...

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