

Scheduled for Execution
Quest Information
Starting Location: Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
Starting NPC: Vicente Valtieri
Possible Reward(s): Scales of Pitiless Justice, 100 Gold

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It's time to remove your old neighbor from existence. Vicente Valtieri's next contract is to kill the Dark Elf named Valen Dreth in the Imperial City Prison. Since your escape, the grate leading into the prison has been locked, so Vicente hands you the Imperial City Sewers Key to get inside. He also reminds you that the bonus will only be awarded to you if no prison guards are killed.

Fast-travel to the Imperial Prison Sewer location, then use Vicente's key to enter the tunnel system. Make your way through a few of the sewer areas, dispatching any rats, crabs, or other creatures that impede your progress. You're going to need to pick two doors on your way, including the one into the area called "The Sanctum."

The Sanctum is the entrance point into the lower levels of the prison, and where you'll start encountering Imperial Guards. In fact, two of them will be carrying on a conversation when you first arrive, so wait for them to finish their chat before continuing on. If you have access to any Invisibilty spells, you may want to make use of them to avoid getting seen by anyone.

When you reach the Imperial Subterrane area, you just have a single guard with a torch to sneak around, then it's clear sailing all the way to the Imperial Prison entrance. When you reach your cell, you'll hear Valen and one of the guards sharing some of the finer moments they've experienced over the eleven years that Valen has been locked up. When they're finished, move outside and either pick Valen's cell door (hard difficulty) or go grab the key on the table to the left. Whether or not you want to speak with Valen first is up to you, but either way he needs to die. Cut him down, then kick his corpse for good measure before exiting the prison the same way you came.

As long as no guards were killed, Vicente is very pleased with your performance and awards you the usual 100 Gold and, as a bonus, the Scales of Pitiless Justice. While carried, this artifact grants a +2 bonus to your Strength, Agility, and Intelligence, but reduces your Personality by the same amount. The quest concluded, it's time to move on to the To Serve Sithis quest. Or, if you're looking for some additional action, you can speak to Teinaava here in the sanctuary to obtain the The Renegade Shadowscale quest.