

Hellgate: London Skills Database: Search Results
Brom's Curse: An ancient curse is called upon the Cabalist's enemies that restores a small amount of life to all who attack the marked foes. Attackers heal a varying amount per hit. Damage caused by pets will heal the owner.

Class: Summoner Skill Group(s): Mind Power
First Available: Level 20 Skill Prerequisite: Drain Life (2)
Duration: Varies Skill Type: Active
Range: 15.0 meters Radius: N/A
Rate of Use: 2.0 seconds Requires: N/A
Power Cost (at 1st Level): 25.0 Power Cost (at 50th Level): 46.3

Skill Advancement (By Rank)
  1. Affects up to 6 targets. Attackers heal 8% of their Health per hit. Effect lasts for 10 seconds.
  2. Affects up to 8 targets. Attackers heal 9% of their Health per hit. Effect lasts for 11 seconds.
  3. Affects up to 10 targets. Attackers heal 10% of their Health per hit. Effect lasts for 12 seconds.
  4. Affects up to 12 targets. Attackers heal 11% of their Health per hit. Effect lasts for 13 seconds.
  5. Affects up to 14 targets. Attackers heal 12% of their Health per hit. Effect lasts for 14 seconds.
  6. Affects up to 16 targets. Attackers heal 13% of their Health per hit. Effect lasts for 15 seconds.
  7. Affects up to 18 targets. Attackers heal 14% of their Health per hit. Effect lasts for 16 seconds.